Notaries have been around since the Roman Empire. As a result, some of the terms used may seem a little antiquated. We’ve explained those below, as well as answering a few questions.
Witnessing and Attesting Signatures
One of the most common tasks of a Pennsylvania notary is witnessing or attesting signatures.
Protects against fraud
Verifies the identity of the signer
An acknowledgment is similar to the above. However, the document comes to the notary already signed.
Protects against fraud and coercion
Verifies the signer did so voluntarily
Oaths and Affirmations
Notaries public can also administer oaths and affirmations, swearing that certain statements are true.
A requirement of some public and private jobs
Verifies understanding of job expectations
Copy Certification
A copy certification is where the notary confirms that a reproduction of an original document is an accurate reproduction of the original.
Protects against counterfeiting
Legally binding